national down syndrome day – sex & disability

today is national down syndrome day. as an ally of the disability community, i’d like to take this opportunity to address a topic i rarely see publicly addressed (and suspect/have reason to believe it is rarely privately addressed either): sexuality & cognitive disability.

i have a dear one in my life with down syndrome. i also have worked in the personal care and group home sector. across the board it has been my experience that adults with cognitive disabilities tend to be treated as children by even the most well-intended. since america still is in rampant denial of children/minors being sexual beings, it stands to reason that we would be equally unwilling to grant sexuality to adults with cognitive disabilities.

but the fact is, we are all sexual beings, and people with cognitive disabilities have sexual desires, just like people without cognitive disabilities.

josh (name has been changed), an adult with whom i once worked, had a cognitive disability. he was dating a woman who lived in a neighboring group home. through the time they dated, josh explicitly requested sex ed information on 3+ occasions, and was kindly and patronizingly denied each time. similar to our “abstinence only” myth, we believe that if we ignore something hard enough, it will disappear, that our children’s sexual urges will just disintegrate via repression. unfortunately, that has never been an effective method to keeping us safe, healthy, and informed. i have heard many stories over the years similar to josh’s. why is it that an adult can come forward respectfully asking for information on his sexuality, and we would refuse him?

we need a sea change around disability, almost as badly as we need it around sexuality. consensual sexual expression that does not inflict harm on others should be a fundamental human right, one of the immensely complex and beautiful potentialities of the human experience. if nothing else in this life, we should own our bodies, and have the right to expose them to the experiences we want.

la petite mort

[quote from wikipedia]
La petite mort, French for “the little death”, is an idiom and euphemism for orgasm. This term has generally been interpreted to describe the post-orgasmic state of unconsciousness that some people have after having some sexual experiences.

More widely, it can refer to the spiritual release that comes with orgasm or to a short period of melancholy or transcendence as a result of the expenditure of the “life force,” the feeling which is caused by the release of oxytocin in the brain after the occurrence of orgasm.

i have been captivated by this term/phrasing for orgasm since i first learned of it. i think this is so perfectly on point… capturing the complexity of the varying emotions that give meaning to our unique experience of orgasm… the seemingly impossible combination of utter loss and ecstasy that i feel each time i come.

trembling over my skin
coursing through my blood
my cries quivering, hovering…

you send rushes of sensation
up and down my spine
my body yearns, demands to burst out of its casings
releasing this vast ocean of energy,
soaring through the sky…

then laying softly, quietly
skin against skin
our breath intermingling
floating in the creative wonder
of this love

regarding vulnerability

vulnerability is frightening. the feelings of allowing and letting go that are necessary preludes to giving in to vulnerability feel counter-cultural. letting go means anything might happen. it involves trusting ourselves and holding space for anything that arises. we are afraid of our own shadows, what so-called dark desires and impulses might lie beneath our shiny veneers.

each time i post on this blog i feel afraid. even posting anonymously, i feel fears of rejection, old self-shaming responses, massive questioning of putting my raw words out on the internet for anyone and the nsa to read, fear of being a “bad” writer, of being laughed at… of being as insignificant and silly as my inner critic has always told me i am.

fuck it. i dare greatly now. i work each day to be gently courageous in all i do. to take myself seriously enough to put my words out, and with enough humor and self-love to accept my imperfections as part of the beauty of who i am, to love and take pride in all my creative output, silly and insignificant though it may sometimes be.

dare greatly today. how can we better celebrate and show our gratitude for this amazing adventure of life?

i want

i want to devour you
i want every part of you to vibrate within 
all the spaces inside of me
that have been waiting 
for you

i want to scream out my joy
at being here with you
and how easy
and alive
i feel

i want to touch every moment of you
make you feel encompassed
by my love

i want to burrow inside you
into the spaces
no one else 
to go

loving ourselves with small gentle steps

every weekday i put on my passably-corporate garb, run (usually literally) to catch my bus (so as to avoid the glares and cold shoulders my late arrival consistently elicits), and play my role in this corporate giant living and (arguably) thriving another day. on so-called breaks, i walk the skyways, encountering an ocean of corporately-garbed “professionals” who would convince the casual observer they were the picture of the normalcy after which they so strive. they alternately avoid eye contact with me or attempt inconspicuous stares/glances that range from jealousy to lust to surprise and intrigue. i let my freak flag fly as much as i am able within the confines of repressed midwest office dress code policy, hoping it will function as a beacon for other half-hidden freaks. when i spot them we give each other knowing, sweetly supportive smiles and my morale is boosted knowing i am not alone. 

i wonder at so many striving for this concept of normalcy that is a failed venture at best, and at worst destroys you from the inside, via numbing and shame-induced paralysis. the drive towards normalcy in this culture is perplexing to me. i have been othered for so long i have forgotten what it feels like to desire anything resembling “normalcy”. recently a coworker looked at me in concern after i had cleared my throat a couple of times, handing me a bag of lozenges and asking me what on earth was going on that i had so much throat-clearing. i didn’t know how to respond to this throat-clearing shame, it seemed like satire but was real as far as i could tell. i tried going back to my work, feeling my throat and tiniest body-noises were now under close scrutiny and surveillance. 

as marty klein says in his book “sexual intelligence”, “for millions of men and women, ‘i didn’t mess that up too badly’ is as good as sex gets.” with this culturally-mandated approach to pleasure, it is no wonder we (the united states) are the most medicated, numbed-out adult contingent in history (brené brown). with a level of shame and self-consciousness that is sending us running for pills, surgeries, diets, shopping, and anything else we perceive might give us temporary reprieve from the pain of a constant self-and-society-induced sense of isolation, what does it take to even begin to approach loving ourselves? and if we can’t love ourselves even a little bit, there is little hope for us loving our sexuality, which can feel outright dangerous to one who has such an incapacitating (and often unconscious) terror of their own shadow-self.

my ayurveda training taught me that until you can hold darkness, you cannot hold light either; but how many of us can fully acknowledge this? we want to take ourselves the way we take our coffee- with three pumps of hazlenut syrup, 180 degrees, half-caf, and no knowledge of the more complicated aspects, such as the lives affected by those beans as they were grown, harvested, roasted, and transported to our local starbucks. but not understanding and appreciating the long and often less-than-palatable way those beans arrive in our cups also robs us of a full appreciation of the small miracle(s) of modern human ingenuity that brought us coffee, the dignity and integrity we feel when we are fully and intelligently informed, and the gratitude i suspect would necessarily arise from this full knowledge. and few things taste quite so delicious as gratitude and integrity.

so this is my challenge to you, world: take a small, gentle step each day to work towards loving yourself, and maybe someday we will be ready to have an adult dialogue about our sexualit(ies).