bdsm practitioners more psychologically evolved than their vanilla counterparts?

i’ve been curious for some time about the potentially healing benefits of bdsm (“BDSM is a variety of erotic practices involving dominance and submission, role-playing, restraint, and other interpersonal dynamics.” –wikipedia) i continue to be fascinated by the potential to enact our darkest ingrained dysfunctions in a healthy, loving space… how empowering it can be to recreate a powerless space by choice, choosing to re-enter the trauma space; except this time with full power. as so interestingly shown by guy maddin in my winnipeg, when he hires his childhood home and actors to literally re-enact scenes from his childhood.

People in the BDSM scene reported higher levels of happiness in the past two weeks than people outside it, and they said they felt more secure in their relationships.

ironically, bdsm is still listed in most countries as a mental disorder.

my suspicion is that all of us have some kind of deep, dark fantasies. but it takes work and intention and self-awareness to find them. i consider discovering my fantasies and kinks as mile markers on my journey of self-discovery.

cheers to self-discovery… whatever path that might take.



fuck me until i break
until your mouth 
inhales my screams
and this emptiness inside of me
folds in on itself

fuck me like you don’t care
like i have the strength 
of a thousand goddesses
like i am 

fuck me.
throw me.
restrain me.
slap me.
put me where you 
want me
and take me.

take me.
for all the times i said no
for all the moments my voice was silenced
for each lewd look and whistle
for all the power that was taken from me
and for the darkness inside of me…

this time i speak 
and you hear me.

this time
i say yes.


this video is a lovely fantasy vision. beyoncé’s latest video album brings up sexuality in many different ways, and i was immediately in love. in one of her videos discussing making “partition” she talks about her experience turning one of her fantasies into a video, how it felt pushing her limits of expressing her sexuality publicly. i think it takes a lot of courage, and i think b did it with a lot of grace and beauty.

well done, bey. <3


i want

i want to devour you
i want every part of you to vibrate within 
all the spaces inside of me
that have been waiting 
for you

i want to scream out my joy
at being here with you
and how easy
and alive
i feel

i want to touch every moment of you
make you feel encompassed
by my love

i want to burrow inside you
into the spaces
no one else 
to go

lexi (part i)

she went by lexi at the temptress temple, and her booth was the last one in the hallway lined with black-doored booths. by the time clients’ eyes fell upon her silky wheat colored hair they found themselves ensnared in the depths of her gaze, steady and piercing. they were stripped bare in front of her, and they stepped forward in fascination, closing the door to the outside world and giving themselves to lexi’s even gaze and captivating, graceful movements.

the day marco walked into her line of view was the first time lexi’s gaze faltered. it was a bitterly cold night, and she blinked a few times at the bundled up gentleman before her, before breaking into a slow, seductively familiar smile. he smiled back, slowly walking toward her, and stepped into her booth, shutting the door behind him without breaking their eye contact. he sat down in the leather chair that stood in front of the plexiglass window lexi sat behind. her legs were crossed and she was slowly playing with her long hair. he picked up the phone receiver as the same time she did, bringing it to his ear with a sly grin on his face that belied the guardedness in his eyes.

“fancy meeting you here… if you feel so inclined, I’d like to have your most exquisite show” he said, with a knowing smile.

(to be continued)