
this video is a lovely fantasy vision. beyoncé’s latest video album brings up sexuality in many different ways, and i was immediately in love. in one of her videos discussing making “partition” she talks about her experience turning one of her fantasies into a video, how it felt pushing her limits of expressing her sexuality publicly. i think it takes a lot of courage, and i think b did it with a lot of grace and beauty.

well done, bey. <3


i want

i want to devour you
i want every part of you to vibrate within 
all the spaces inside of me
that have been waiting 
for you

i want to scream out my joy
at being here with you
and how easy
and alive
i feel

i want to touch every moment of you
make you feel encompassed
by my love

i want to burrow inside you
into the spaces
no one else 
to go

when you touch me

you swaddle me
with your love
carefully laying me out
arranging me just so
then gently
but firmly
weaving a rhythm that
sinks into my bones
settles and nestles into my heart
makes my body weep
with joy
with heartache
with the melancholy of a thousand lonely nights

in the midst of this crude, angsty life
you are my warm summer rain


just home from a day and night spent with a dear lover, and pondering again the immense privilege of intimacy with another human… the beauty and healing power of this encounter for me is soul-deep. it will sustain me through my week.


darling you break my heart
each time you make love to me
looking into my eyes
and slowly moving inside of me…
i can feel our hearts expanding and
opening as wide
and lovingly
as saying the words
as your arms wrapping me closer than i thought we could be
as my desire-soaked body pulling you to me
as the impossible spaces we have created for each other

who needs words
when this loving vibrant energy
is wrapping us in feelings so much clearer
than language could articulate?